A former friend of mine told me that this embodied a lot of who I am. It was his favorite of the drawings I did. As a bit of a tribute I am posting it today. Sort of a bit of farewell. So emo. Artists are moody bunches. Maybe our art wouldn't be so good if we weren't.

I always am enthralled by simple characters. How an artist chooses to curve a line, how thick they make it, what emotions it evokes. It takes a lot of talent to even draw a simple character. A perfect circle takes a lot of talent.
This initially was drawn as a joke I had with another friend of mine. I would say "hug?" meaning I wanted a hug and he would replay with a "/hug." Silly, isn't it? Wherever you draw inspiration.
However, I think she evokes an endearing response. You want to hug her. You want to care for her and make her world better. I like her.
The "UP?" has polka dots because I thought of the Mario Mushrooms though there are probably a ton of other speckled mushrooms I could have drawn inspiration from. It's so deep. :)
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